About Us

The Memphis Mushroom Festival is a beacon of hope and progression for forward-thinking ideals in the mid-south. This region is home to the richest farmland in the country, yet it is the most industrialized. In the same way, our land no longer supports our community in the healthiest of ways, so too does our culture suffer. But we stand for more.

Despite the poverty, health crises, and overwhelming challenges we face at home, we have found strength in the experience of pain. We believe in unity to face adversity, and the Memphis Mushroom Festival is at the helm of giving this region a chance to do just that.

There is no room for discrimination of any kind as we stand close together to represent a movement of sustainability, healthy cooking, and access to modern healthy behaviors.

Mushrooms, just like us, depend on their environment to thrive. So we set out to create one like no other in a region that has never seen anything quite like it.

We feel it. And you can too.

The mid-south moves forward with the Memphis Mushroom Festival.


(Make sure to turn it to 4k for the best viewing!)


The Mission, The Vision

The purpose of the Memphis Mushroom Festival is to unify the mid-south in a mission to celebrate and improve the relationship with sustainability, healthy foods, to support the legalization of all plant medicines, and to create a better understanding of the benefits plant medicines provide in a region that needs it most.

We work to bring experiences of acceptance, community, healthy lifestyles, positive thinking, education, and progress to a part of the world that often lacks it. We hope that everyone that wishes to leap forward joins us to celebrate.

What all do we do?

Yearly Memphis Mushroom Festival

Monthly Mycology Classes

Event Planning for Culinary Events

Mobile Bartending Services for Your Upscale Events

Party Equipment Rental

Foraging & Camping Events

Plant Medicine Retreats

Culinary Events: Farm to Table, Wild Game, Foraged & Medicinal

Mushroom Bounce House Rental

Event Planning for Children’s Birthdays around the themes of Forest, Mycology & Fae

Cooking Classes and Demonstrations


The Fungi Fundamentals

#1 Grow with us.

Have hope. Stay curious. Be a part of a movement. Progress with us. Move forward with community at your side. Be the light that shines in an often-dark world.

We want to know you. 

#2 All come, all welcome

Did you know it is global studies indicate that there are 2327 useful wild species, 2166 edible and 1069 used as food, and 470 medicinal species of mushrooms? Like mushrooms, we share our space and can grow together if we choose. Discrimination has no home in our celebration.

All races. All genders. All beliefs. All people.

We represent acceptance in the mid-south. 

#3 As you are, who you are

Expression is important. The world is different every single day simply because you're in it. Never underestimate the value that you provide simply by existing in even the smallest of interactions. We are simple and the world is complex, but your life is like the flap of a butterfly and a planetary shift all in the same motion. You are special and you have value just by being yourself.

Come do what you do...with us! 

#4 Fight boredom, stay curious

Time is an irreplaceable currency, so we should get the most out of what we choose to do with it. We have a curiosity towards nature and people. We approach new, different, and the unusual with a curious nature and deep respect because we know the value in learning something (and someone!) new.

Join us and destroy boredom with knowledge, fellowship, and an unforgettable experience! 

#5 Keeping it CLEAN for the cause

You don't just change the world over night, right? Well, you can do it with consistency! By picking up after ourselves and keeping our space clean, we ensure that we have the privilege of staying right here in the mid-south to celebrate all that we are in a place that needs it most.

Help us leave our space cleaner than when we found it! 

#6 Experiential education & awareness

We break down the walls of conventional civilization and spread knowledge that comes from the natural world and invades the modern one with a potential that is now being understood more every day. It can nourish the mind and the body with the enlightenment of understanding what’s around us and how it can apply it to improve our own lives. 

#7 Never alone while we find a sound mind

What do you hear? The bees? The wind blowing through the trees? The river flowing? We live in a world crowded with life, yet we often still feel alone. Sometimes the beauty of life can be stolen right from our heart, but we can work together to bring it back. A huge part of what makes our celebration is the tremendous focus and support on the revolution of plant medicines and health benefits that mushrooms provide our brain and our bodies.

Learn and grow with us on living a happier and healthier life from the inside out. 

#8 Our spirit may be limitless, but boundaries are yours

We support freedom of the mind and body, but we require respect for boundaries of both. If you see something, say it. Where? Look for the red tent; it means safety. The festival staff will be around for assistance, too. There is absolutely no tolerance for crossing someone else’s boundaries!

#9 Fun fungi foods with fun guys & gals

You may not have realized there are over 1000 species of mushrooms used in food today, but that's why we are here! There are talented chefs from all over the region that come together to create fine cuisine fashioned with product from local farms. These farms are founded on sustainably focused agriculture and, like us, a desire to help their community. 

#10 Have hope

Ready to join us yet?

Check out some press from our previous Mushroom Festivals and Events